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We are happy to advise you how to solve odour and emission problems. We strive to find the best sustainable solution. As every question is different, we would like to have personal contact with you, so we can go through all the details carefully.

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    Home / Products



    Scrubbers reduce odour and other harmfull substances out of the air by using water as a transfer medium


    A biofilter uses micro-organisms as a carrier for bacteria that break down odorants

    Cold Plasma injector

    The Cold Plasma Injector is very suitable for odors that are not soluble in water

    Active carbon

    Activated carbon is a specially treated carbon that can adsorb all kinds of substances from the air to itself through adsorption

    quality in customized and standard products



    The systems of all techniques developed by us are manufactured and assembled within the VDL Groep.

    Thanks to our intensive collaboration with the VDL Groep, we are part of a large international network. This enables us to acquire knowledge of the latest techniques and implement it in our designs.

    As an international, industrial supplier, they enable us to quickly deliver high-quality custom products while keeping a tight rein on costs. This, in turn, directly benefits our customers.

    Luchtwassers voor binnen- en buitenopstelling